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Brock Pierce focuses on technologies

Brock Pierce officially announced he would run for US president in November, 2020.

Technologies at the core of the election campaign.

In a message appeared on Twitter, the businessman that is close to blockchain community, and, in particular, to EOSIO, has offered his candidacy for running for presidency.

Users also proposed candidacy of Roger Ver, Craig Wright and Andrew Young. He is the “crypto friendly” Democratic candidate who retired announcing that he would try to participate in elections in 2024.

Technological innovations will be the foundation stone of Brock Pierce electoral strategy. He has made it clear in his recent post on Twitter.

Even in his video presentation the businessman mentioned technologies, “Technologies is something we should accept, not fear. We should adopt them here and now to improve our institutes and lives. If our government used all the modern technologies, people who need unemployment stimulus would get them much earlier”.

The presentation also makes mention of artificial intelligence, while blockchain technology – the technology that is the key of his entrepreneurial success, was not mentioned at all,

“Technology is a solution we should actively implement. The landscape of our country will change forever in the nearest future. Innovations like AI will change our work space”.