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PRIZM expands its borders

When the Kingdom of Bhutan decided to launch its cryptocurrency, it was Prism that was chosen from all the existing ones, which once again proves the viability of the project.

Not only Russian coin

PRIZM was first launched in 2017 by the Russian non-profit International Public Movement CWT (Let’s Change the World Together).

According to the CoinMarketCap cryptocurrency monitoring website, the open-source cryptocurrency is trading at $ 0.230147 as of today. The volume of transactions per day is growing steadily. According to CoinMarketCap, the total capitalization of the asset is $ 116,329,312.

In the summer of 2019, the Bhutanese government adopted a digital currency called Prizm as its “national cryptocurrency,” which is tied “on equal terms” to the country’s fiat currency. According to the report, each resident will receive 100 coins bought for $ 50 million by the government of Bhutan, as a result of which the residents will be able to spend it or themselves to start mining Prism. A press release signed by an organization called the Kingdom of Bhutan Information Center states that Prism has been tested in several countries for several years.

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